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Text Messages Now Being Censored by T-Mobile and Verizon PDF Print E-mail

January 6, 2022 - If you think that what you include in your text messages is your business alone, think again. T-Mobile and Verizon are both reportedly now censoring links in text messages that they don't like. Specifically, they have both been reported this week for refusing to deliver text messages that include conservative political commentary. It's an Orwellian move that destroys private communications but which would make Joseph Stalin proud, and it needs to stop.


Last year, the conservative website, TheGatewayPundit climbed into the top 200 websites worldwide. The site produced more than 900 million page views. It's a small organization run by two brothers that covers a variety of issues that left leaning politicians and journalists would prefer you didn't read about. Because of that, Google has placed them on a list of sites they don't like and has attempted (unsuccessfully) to demonetize them. Their stories have regularly been banned on Twitter and Facebook, which only gives them more credibility and has probably helped their audience expand exponentially.

Regardless of what these tech companies attempted, Gateway Pundit (GP) continued to grow. So now, big tech is going after the one thing they haven't been able to control; individual conversations. Beginning earlier this week, readers of GP began reporting that articles they were texting to friends are family from GP weren't being delivered. To the person sending the text, everything looked normal. But the person the text was to be delivered to would never receive it. This started out on T-Mobile but the reports quickly spread to Verizon.

When T-Mobile was first contacted by GP readers, they denied the censorship. But now they are admitting it.

I don't know about you, but I pay for my mobile service. And what I send via text message to my friends, family and business associates is between me and them. What these companies are doing is fascism at its finest. And it's beyond dangerous. Anything you can't question... whether it is politics, science, medicine, etc... is propaganda.

If you love your freedom, now is the time to protect it. You may not be able to use the apps provided to you on your cell phone by your carrier, but there are apps that you can use and you should install them. Platforms like Telegram will allow you to text without any interference from your carriers. And other services like GETTR and GAB will allow you to communicate in Twitter-like fashion without censorship.

The fact is that until this week, we still had some illusion that our text and phone communications were private. T-Mobile has shattered that illusion and we should all take it to heart. 

by Jim Malmberg

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