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Personal Finances

Everyday we make decisions on how to spend our money. Some decisions we plan for, like buying a house. Some are spur of the moment, like getting a private store charge card because they offer 10% off.

These decisions and many others affect the quality of our life. How you manage your money today will determine your future.

Benjamin Franklin once said, "If you watch your pennies, your dollars will take care of themselves." That is exactly what we are providing here, simple easy ways to watch your money and avoid some pitfalls.

Also check out our WEB LINKS for additional helpful personal finance sites.


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Item Title Hits
20 Million Households Aren't Paying Their Utility Bills 514
95 Percent of Americans Say They Have Been Impacted by Inflation - New Poll 538
A Collapse in Used Car Prices is on the Horizon 624
American Homebuyers Struggle as Housing Prices and Payments Soar to Record Highs 181
American Investors Need to Run From Chinese Companies 705
Americans Accumulate Historic $1 Trillion Credit Card Debt 831
Applications for Adjustable Rate Mortgages Have Doubled - A Bad Sign 593
Are Home Prices Leveling Off? Maybe! 1418
As Banks Increase Fees on Debit Cards It May Be Time to Go Back to Writing Checks or Change Banks 2215
ATM Fees Up - Free Checking Difficult to Find 2207
Bankruptcy Filings Fall Nationally 2248
Californians Take Largest Losses on Residential Real Estate Over Past Year 293
Can’t Afford Health Insurance? Request an Exemption From the Law! 3640
Chinese Port Closures Will Lead To Shortages Of Just About Everything 819
Coinbase Warns Users That Their Digital Wallets Could Get Wiped Out 632
College Loan Debt – What You Need to Know 5552
College Students Getting Hit with Debit Card Fees to Receive Financial Aid 2455
Considering a Second Job? Read This. 14515
Consumer Debt Rising Just Like in 2008 375
Cost of Living Hits All-Time High as Poll Shows Nearly Twenty Percent of People Un or Underemployed 2893
Credit Card Debt Reaches an All Time High 329
Credit Point Scores & How They Work 35789
Credit Reports Are Now Free Every Week Until April 2770
Credit Scores Take a Hit Amid Economic Challenges 286
Discharging Student Loans in Bankruptcy Proceedings May Now Be Possible for Some People 2509
Don't Run Away from Citibank! Fly! 2757
Downsizing - Using a Reverse Mortgage to Purchase a Home 1007
Drug Benefits to Retirees to be Taxed in 2011 2790
Economic Survival in a Natural Disaster - Updated: June, 2014 31676
Effects of Being Upside Down in Car Loans 6819
Eviction Moratoriums and COVID19 - What You Need to Know 1573
Federal Unemployment Bonus Set To End Next Month - Time To Get A Job Now 1150
Feeling the Pinch - Why Fuel Prices Matter 2480
Financial Literacy Education About to Become Mandatory in Oklahoma High Schools 2795
GAO Completes FED Audit 2667
Get Prepared for Obamacare Sticker Shock in November 2704
Get Ready for Six Dollar Gas and Twenty Dollar Coffee 2262
Get Ready to Pay More for Domestic Farm-Goods - Potential Food Shortages on the Horizon 625
Going Green Can Put Some Green In Your Wallet! - Updated: July, 2014 13462
Government and Banks Caution Against Using Credit Cards for Buy Now, Pay Later Loans 184
Harvard Study Paints Bleak Picture for Retiring Baby Boomers 2029
Health Insurance Alternatives and Supplements To Help You Control Your Budget 1354
Home Equity Loans and the New Tax Law 1461
Homeowners Facing Foreclosure May Feel Forced into Bankruptcy in 2013 - But Other Options Exist 2622
Household Auto Loan Payments Are At An All Time High 606
Housing Prices Set to Tumble Nationwide 541
How to Dig Out of Credit Card Debt 68886
How to Read Credit Card Agreements 10623
How Voting on Bond Measures Impacts Your Personal Finances 4588
Id Theft? Credit Problems? Credit Monitoring? Free Credit Reports? 5577
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Results 1 - 50 of 131
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