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Be Careful What You Tell Your Doctor Because It Is No Longer Private PDF Print E-mail

January 23, 2023 - It used to be that the information you shared with your doctor was between the two of you. Records were hand written and kept in manilla folders. If you wanted a second opinion on something, you'd have to go to your doctor's office and ask for a copy of your records. But the idea that your doctor might share your file without your permission would have been considered outlandish. All of that began to change with the implementation of Obamacare which, among other things, mandated that doctors switch to using electronic records. And since then, the United Nations and the World Health Organization have also gotten involved in electronic medical records. And you may not believe what they are all using them for now.


You may ask why the UN would have any interest in your medical records. Well, it is because the UN has a system called the International Classification of Disease (ICD). As originally conceived, ICD came up with a uniform code system for virtually every disease and condition known to man. And those codes could be entered into your medical file so that if you switched doctors, a new doctor would know exactly what you had been previously diagnosed with based on the code. The system took a lot of guess work out of the medical field.

For obvious reasons, insurance companies also began to adopt the ICD system. They used it to determine levels of treatment and for reimbursement to doctors. And with the mandating of electronic medical records, insurers began to make ICD codes mandatory for reimbursement. We're actually at a point now that if a doctor refused to use the system, then that doctor probably can't accept any insurance.

This past week, the Epoch Times reported that the federal government has come up with a new code. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid introduced a code number of Z28.310. It is specifically to track patients who have not been vaccinated for COVID-19 and it has several iterations. And to go a step further, they are asking doctors to question patients about their status when they have a doctor's visit. That's more than a little frightening.

The bottom line here is that the US federal government wants to know if you've had a COVID jab, and if you haven't, they want to know why. As I previously mentioned, there are iterations of the code. These iterations not only identify those who have rejected the jab, but also identify the reasons for the rejection. Do you have a medical reason? Are you an anti-vaxer? Both can be identified.

So don't be surprised if the next time you visit your podiatrist for that troublesome bunion on your left foot if he tries to find out if you've been vaccinated for COVID. And don't be afraid to tell him to stay in his lane and mind his own business, because it's certainly none of his (or the government's).

by Jim Malmberg

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