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Apple Air Tag Used to Stalk and Kill Indiana Man PDF Print E-mail

June 14, 2022 - Andre Smith was a resident of Indianapolis. Earlier this month, his girlfriend attached an Apple Air Tag to his car and was able to track him to a local pub, where he was getting dinner with another woman. That's when things turned ugly.


Smith's girlfriend, Gaylyn Morris, entered the bar and tried to hit the other woman using a wine bottle, but Smith was able to stop her. An argument ensued and the staff of the pub asked all three people to leave. Once out in the parking lot, Morris got in her car and used it to knock Smith to the ground. After that, she ran over him. But even that wasn't enough. She then decided to back the car up and run over him again.

Morris then exited the car and tried to attack Smith's date. Fortunately, the police arrived and stopped her. Morris has now been arrested on murder charges.

Last December we published information about how criminals were using Air Tags to target victims for criminal activities. They have become a go-to item for auto thieves who place them on a high-end car to locate it. The thieves can then pick a time and place of their choosing to actually steal the vehicle. We also mentioned that the police were beginning to see them used in cased of stalking. Now, they have been used in a homicide.

Unfortunately, this was foreseeable. More unfortunate still, Apple is only providing limited data to people who have an Air Tag following them, and then only to other Apple Users. If you use Android, you can use Apple's Tracker Detect app, but this needs to be manually loaded and actively scanning for you find any Air Tags near you. It isn't convenient or user friendly, and it most certainly isn't a solution to some of the issues created by Air Tags. 

by Jim Malmberg

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