Is Profit More Important Than Privacy with Apple? Don't Fall for the Company Line!

August 31, 2021 - Apple is making some interesting moves in the world of privacy. Essentially, they are eliminating it. That's somewhat stunning given the company's history. Apple has famously refused to help law enforcement agencies break into their devices, even when they have been presented with a search warrant. But over the past couple of months, they've made some announcements and struck some deals that lead us to the conclusion that privacy isn't really as important to them as they say it is. So what's going on at Apple?


As we previously mentioned, Apple is about to roll out IOS 15. The new operating system will have what amounts to a privacy back door in it. That back door is supposedly to scan for images of child-porn. After all, who wouldn't be in favor of eliminating child pornography? But let's get back to the part about the "back door."

What Apple is doing is actually frightening. Today they are saying they are scanning for child-porn. In reality, there is nothing to prevent them from modifying such a system to look for other things. Things like text messages they don't like. Or other pictures they don't approve of. What they can do is limitless and you will likely never know if they share that information with others in the process. Welcome to the surveillance state.

Then today, we came across an article published by Inc. Magazine titled Apple Just Traded Your Privacy for $15 Billion. The article covers Apple's default search engine deal with Google. And as we all know, Google makes its money by compiling data on just about everyone and then using that data in just about any way they can think of to make money. They target advertising, sell services, etc... They are not the company you run to if you want to protect your customers' privacy. In the world of search engines, that moniker should probably go to DuckDuckGo; which by the way offers much better search results in our opinion.

To be completely fair, if you own a cell phone, you're options are pretty limited right now. Android is built by Google. IOS is built by Apple. There are some other systems out there, but they aren't widely used and don't have access to a lot of applications. But with that said, don't be fooled by Apple's marketing. If privacy was their main concern, they wouldn't be searching your phone - especially if you own the phone outright - for content. And they wouldn't be using Google for search. 

by Jim Malmberg

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